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Exectutive Summary

This is a formal report prepared for my SROM 150, ‘Introduction to Tourism’. Formatting and documentation style is based off of “Essentials of Business Communications”.  Included you will find: an intro to the assignment, background on my interviewee and his position, and a personal interpretation of what the specific career entails. I address how previous work experience instills inter-changeable skills that will mold your career and how it is not always necessary to follow a direct path to reach your goals. Being able to interview a person currently holding a position of interest for myself, not only broadened my depth in understanding of the job itself, but also, which skills may be helpful and my personal opinion of the career as a whole.





To complete a career profile of someone in the ski industry, I chose to interview a person in the field of lift maintenance. I contacted Troy Arnold, Lead Journeyman Lift Maintenance Millwright, and conducted a personal and professional interview through both an e-mail questionnaire and a one on one phone call. I used a combination of answers from each interview to compile a formal report. The aim of this document is to give an in depth overview of a position within the ski industry at a management level. My purpose of choosing this specific person was solely based on my interest in his position as my own, and the desire to learn what contributing factors have made him such an effective leader.



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